My August Summer Camp Experience – Barakat Olabisi Abagun

Being a brave, adventurous and daring person has always made me curious and excited about exploring unknown destinations, mysteries, cultures and Nature. I have tried doing it alone but it wasn’t fun. I didn’t grow up having adventurous people around me either (except my father, who was busy), it has just always been a vivid imagination on my mind. When I got to know about Camp Adventure Africa through a friend (Tomiwa Adetayo) and he made me aware that there was an opportunity for me to attend the Annual August Summer Camp, as his NGO – Reach The Peak Initiative (RPI) would be partnering with CAA in the course of this event,I was overwhelmed with excitement. Reach the peak Initiative is an empowerment organization dedicated to the healthy living and academic excellence in youths and people of the rural community. Apart from Nysc, I have never been opportuned to go camping and I didn’t know what I should expect.. but I cared less because I wanted to get out of my comfort zone at all costs and I have had an opportunity I never thought existed for years in Nigeria. Discovering Camp Adventure Africa is a Golden prize to me.
CAA, a nongovernment, nonprofit, non religious movement of young leaders dedicated to reaching out to children, youth and families in rural communities by infusing the joy of the season in them through proffering solutions to the problems of the particular community visited, empowerment and humanitarian services which aligns with the United Nations sustainable development goals.. how great. You can imagine Civic Leadership, Empowerment, Community Service/outreach, Youth empowerment, Fun & Adventure all in one organization to effect a positive impact and change in the society and lives of everyone it comes across. I have been volunteering for years but everything felt totally different, I can’t quantify how great it feels to be a member and volunteer of CAA. As a Muslim, my major concern was were to pray and if I would have the time to or we would be on the move always but, Alhamdulilah I found a community and we connected. This is to tell you that every religion, age groups, tribe and race will find a place in Camp Adventure Africa.
My mind was blown these past few days- I understood what it meant to be a Leader and a change maker in another dimension. I reflected on my essence in life. I identified my purpose on earth. I was driven by a force I haven’t felt in a very long time. My spirit was awoken. I began to feel and see life from a totally different perspective. Thinking back to the warm welcome I received when I arrived, which never changed till when I left. How we all laughed at what I packed and everyone assisted with repacking. They didn’t make me feel new, everyone was treated with equal respect, care and love. We networked, team worked, created meaningful relationships and memories of which i won’t forget in a lifetime. I felt an enhanced sense of connection, responsibility, perseverance and social support to others. The willingness to overcome adversity, self-awareness, confidence, achievements, physical & mental challenges, ability to manage stress and a direct involvement with the natural environment. I Assimilated the natural environment and resources found around me well enough . The villagers and rulers were welcoming, kind and happy to have us around it was all joy, love, hospitality and positivity everywhere. We felt safe from each location we settled in.. to hiking in the mountains & woods, that some of us wouldn’t even dare on a norms . We learnt, unlearnt and relearnt.. Every knowledge gained from the nuggets of information during morning and evening meetings to the Global leadership summits were worthwhile and I hope we all apply it to our daily life activities.
In all I give Glory to the Almighty for a successful and fulfilling journey we had despite being in the wilderness, we were protected from all evil and was able to achieve all we set out to do and more. Alhamdulilah. I could go on and on but experience they say, is the best teacher. I don’t want to spill all the fun. Register and find your own piece to put together 😊
My special shoutout goes to the Founder and co-founder (Mr Tomiwa Adetayo) of Reach the Peak Initiative. Thank you very much for the opportunity of volunteering and adventuring. In addition my shout out goes to the founders of the CAA Organization, The manager,The team leads, The welfare team, The medical team, The logistics team, The educational team, The media team and every other team member, sponsors and volunteers responsible for the success of the 2023: August Summer Camping, Themed: ESSENCE. It was fun Leading, Serving, Sensitizing and spreading joy around the world I am Influenced by Camp Adventure Africa and I’ll spread the testimony and truth – to lead, to love, to save and to serve.
~ Barakat Olabisi Abagun