ADEYEMI ANUOLUWAPO: The Journey and Joys of A CAA Volunteer

The Journey and Joys of A CAA Volunteer
I am smiling all over as I’m writing about how I knew about CAA and all of my experiences with CAA.
I bumped into CAA around 2017. Furthermore, I went to Unilag lagoon front for a shoot. Furthermore, I thought the group of people I sat down with were the group, not knowing it was a CAA hangout. They welcomed me, gave me snacks and took pictures. Lol! That’s my first time being given a mini photoshoot. I met wonderful people, and I was added to the group.
I enjoyed all the conversations on WhatsApp and I got to anchor our outreach to community for the lame, blind, and deaf in Ebute Metta. Mr. Okikijesu trusted me to pull it off, even when I had no experience and didn’t believe myself. We went and it was a success. Since then, I have been to several other outreaches with CAA, and each one leaves me wanting more. It may seem like we go to the same location, but the experience and memories are always different. The group of people volunteering changes, the activities, the food, the people, the theme. Everything is always unique.
I would like to share a particular camp experience which was one of the turning point in my life. I was in my final year and I really didn’t know what to do. Likewise, I was really in a low state and just wanted to just be left alone because I didn’t know what life outside school holds for me. Then boom! An upcoming camp was set in motion. It was an island outreach. I didn’t want to go or do anything, but I just picked myself up to help these less privileged communities get help. I aggressively solicited for welfare materials for them. Furthermore, I ensured all my roommates gave at least something. Not only that, but I told my course mates and friends. My room was full. There and then, I felt purposeful. It was fulfilling to pull all that off just to make impact. I realized that success or happiness is in making other live a better life through you.
I immensely enjoyed the whole volunteering experience. No hustle and bustle of Lagos. I ate fresh fruits, sweet food. I have met people that has really been instrumental to my career, business and mental growth. The reward is massive.
It’s a joy to volunteer and give back to the community. I would always encourage anyone to volunteer for a good cause. Summer camp is approaching, and I would certainly encourage you to experience the life yourself. The change is transforming, and you would be happy for it.

About Camp Adventure Africa
Camp Adventure Africa is a movement of young leaders reaching out to children, women, youth, and families in rural areas or marginalized communities, IDP Camps, Homes, and others while having fun and adventure at the same time. We are a non-traditional, non-conventional, and not-for-profit-making organization. View all posts by Camp Adventure Africa