My Camp experiences with Camp Adventure Africa as a Volunteer by Joshua Mercy

Camp Adventure Africa, what an organization to be a part of, so organised and GOD fearing indeed. I was privilege to know this organization by a friend called Michael, but at first i lost interest, i have joined a lot of organization and i donate but I found out they don’t last but not like CAA. I could remember the last summer camp i followed CAA to ipole Ekiti, in year 2022, this community changed my perspective on how we see ourselves as humans and what we need is pure true love.
Nevertheless, I am the only one who knows what i experienced and what I seen and what I feel, honestly it’s an atmosphere you won’t want to miss. They even taught us how they cook local rice without eating a stone, volunteers in CAA, I have found what is really called a genuine love [love your neighbor’s as yourself]. I also learnt what is called serving, now to April Breathe Camp in Epe, Lagos my experience was so amazing, this time around I learnt how to respect diverse cultures and tradition and regardless of my religion, I also learnt what is called honoring the father’s and mother’s in the land,[old people] there are people who carries graces only if we can discern, and tap into it by seeds, lastly WHEN YOU FEEL YOU’RE NOT BEEN APPRECIATED
When people begin to cheapen your value, two things you must do.
(1) Take a flight and stop hanging around them because they don’t deserve you.
(2) Retreat back into your hole to consciously add value and reinvent yourself.
Why not volunteer and be a part of Camp Adventure Africa
Joshua Timilehin Mercy