For the good 8 years that we started reaching out to children and families in her village, Mama as we like to call her has been really helpful, she gave us access to her house, even her room. She always ensures volunteers are okay and make available whatever she has to help with volunteers’ welfare. Her house has served CAA volunteers as a launchpad into other small villages close by.
Mama is a widow living with two of her grandchildren in one of the villages in extreme poverty and not easily accessible, she relies on farming as a source of livelihood.
It breaks my heart that this same house today is only left with just one room with a leaking roof patched with planks and stones which might not survive this rainy season. Mama and her grandchildren live in fear every time it rains.
We want to help her change this roof, cover what’s left of the house, reinforce and plaster her room to prevent it from collapsing. We would love your financial support in restoring Mama’s house. Your support will cover labor and materials to rebuild Mama’s House.
We budget N300,000 to change her roof, rebuild the part that collapsed and plaster both in and outside to prevent further collapse. We intend to start this by August and we will be sharing updates about it on our blog.
Bank details for donations:
United Bank for Africa (UBA)
Account Name: Camp Adventure Africa Initiative
Account No.: 1023923509
You can contact us for more information via +234 703 566 6173
Mama and her house are in the picture below.
Thank you so much for your support.

About Camp Adventure Africa

Camp Adventure Africa is a movement of young leaders reaching out to children, women, youth, and families in rural areas or marginalized communities, IDP Camps, Homes, and others while having fun and adventure at the same time. We are a non-traditional, non-conventional, and not-for-profit-making organization.

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